Upcoming Titles

Stride with Grammer

Stride with Grammar is a series of eight well graded grammar books for the learner of English Language. The books range from grade 1 – 8. The book is aimed to provide a simple and crisp explanation of grammatical concepts along with a plethora of exercises to practice the rules of grammar. The book also focusses on English communication skill development.

Key Highlight

  • Simple and clear language
  • Easy explanation of grammatical concepts.
  • Ample number of exercises for practice.
  • Beautiful illustrations make learning fun and understanding easy.
  • It’s Puzzle Time section helps in enhancing critical thinking.
  • Fact File section includes new information, exception to grammar rules and fun facts related to English language
  • Teacher Zone section is a fun class activity for the teachers to conduct in the class.
  • The books are supported with free e-learning modules, Test Paper Generator, Teachers Manual.